Advent Conspiracy
Did you know that last year the The National Retail Federation forecasted that Americans would spend $457.4 billion dollars at Christmas and that the average family would spend $907? Does this bother you as it does me?
Is spending money on stuff that will likely be forgotten in a matter of months and going into debt to do it, the best way to celebrate the birth our Lord? The last time I went to a birthday party I did not go expecting gifts, I went to give to the one being celebrated. It makes sense to me that we should do the same for the One we celebrate this Christmas season.
What is Christmas about? When someone says "Christmas" what comes to mind? Some people think of Santa and others think of a Christmas tree. But, unfortunately the first thing most people think of is the gifts. Spending lots of money, racing to the store the day after Thanksgiving (guilty.), and mostly focusing on the material things. Is this what Christmas is about? NO. Christmas is first and foremost a celebration of the birth of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Christmas should not be about being mad at your parents because they didn't get you the ultra-super-sonic toilet paper dispenser you 'always' wanted. It is not about how much money you spend. How many lights are up. or how big your new gift is. Christmas is about spending time with family, friends, the people you care about most.
I love the spirit behind Advent Conspiracy, a movement to inspire the Church to give relationally, and redistribute the money that would have been spent, on those that are truly in need. In doing so we give to Jesus.
Watch the video here:
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Basic Info (from the Facebook group)
[AC] Advent Conspiracy is an international movement restoring the scandal of Christmas by substituting compassion for consumption.
For three years Advent Conspiracy has been giving people hope that Christmas doesn't have to be about credit cards, to-do lists and traffic jams. It's about:
- Worshiping Christ more meaningfully.
- Refusing our culture's hunger for consumerism.
- Giving relationally to our friends and family.
- Loving all by giving to those most in need.
[AC 2008] -- The past two years of Advent Conspiracy has changed the way tens of thousands of Christians celebrate Christmas, and resulted in millions of dollars being redistributed to needy neighborhoods and solving the global water crisis.
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