Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The world is going places we don't want

Mad cow disease, bird flu, and e-coli! Well, we might as well starve! As of today I am officially a vegetarian. Not really. Although the other day I had veggie burgers for lunch and I hate to admit it but it tasted pretty darn good. Of course I'm going to get sick of beans, beans, beans all the time but oh well. Don't even get me started on the the stock market or global warming.....

Nevermind, too late. I already got myself started. I was chatting with some of my fellow classmates in my online chemistry course a couple weeks ago about global warming. Nearly everyone thought global warming doesn't exsist! "Isn't it just a theory?" NO!!! There is mountains of proof it exists. We are YEARS past proving it exists. Now we need to find how to at least slow it down if not stop it. I can't believe they thought it was JUST a theory. So to prove that it exists I recommended a documetary by Al Gore called "An Inconvenient Truth" and I gave them a couple of other websites. THEN they tried to discredit my evidence by saying "its kind of hypocritical for a guy who has his own private jet to be talking about global warming." First of all how would they know if he has his own private jet? Did they look it up? Doubtful. Second, did I say listen to Al Gore? NO. I said watch the documentary for PROOF that global warming exists. Just FACTS. Forget who is presenting it. I don't even think they looked at the websites I gave them. They just latched on to something political and held on for dear life. Global warming should NOT be a political subject. In the end the teacher sort of agreed with me. HA!

I think I'll save the stock market for another day. Maybe my "twin" will pick up on the topic.

I gotta Tell you guys the world is going somewhere we don't want it to go. I'm gonna miss it won't you?

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