Gelatinous means:
1. jelly-like
2. smart
3. disposed
4. anxious
Correct! Gelatinous means jelly-like! You have just donated 20 grains of rice!
I try to spend at least 10 minutes on this site everyday. It's a site called Free Rice. http//:www.freerice.com At this site you are given questions in various subjects. which include, but are not limited to, Element Symbols (You'll love this Ms. C!!), Spanish, Geography, Math, and English vocabulary. When you are on this site you answer questions in a subject of your choice, each correct answer earns you 20 grains of rice. What good is this to me, you ask? I'll tell you what good it is. Every single grain that you earn is donated to hungry people all around the world! Just think about this, you learn things, and hungry people get to eat because of your knowledge! I mean, how cool is that!??!
FreeRice has two goals:
1. Provide English vocabulary and other subject matter to everyone for free.
2. Help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free.
This site is FREE! FREE to use, FREE to give. Just think of how much time you spend on the computer daily, you probably are on for at least an hour a day! If you spend TWO minutes each day on this site, you could provide a starving child with their meal for the day! This site is a great SAT prep tool too! :)

This site is amazing. And it only works if they have your support. So what I ask of you is this. Go to www.freerice.com , spend 5 minutes having fun learning, then provide a hungry person with food. This can only be beneficial if you do something NOW! DON'T procrastinate!! Go to the site NOW! it's www.freerice.com If you go now a child on the brink of starvation may get breakfast when they wake up in the morning! Do this, not only for yourself, but for that small starving child or adult. They thank you!!
Also, if you have a deviantart account (www.deviantart.com), or even if you don't, I recommend that you visit this link and add this stamp to your profile.

Thank You for your Support!
Hannah :)